Full Name : Thilak De Mel
Address: 164, Kaldemull, Moratuwa.
Con. No:  071 661 6634
Birth Day:
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tilak de Mel who carries out new prominent achievements from time to time to benefit artists as well as people, now is committed to obtain the rank of Justice  of Peace (JPs) for 100 veteran artists. He is also dedicated to the laudable achievements of obtaining honorary status, and government sponsorships that were hitherto being enjoyed only by a limited number of artists in Moratuwa, for the artists who have done silent but significant services for the arena of arts. In order to achieve this purpose, he has been with the Moratuwa Arts Society and The Sri Lanka Singers Association since many years now.

Tilak recalls with respect veteran singer Nihal Nelson and well known silver screen actor Tenison Cooray for their unstinting support towards achieving these social works in helping singers, actors and artists in many fields in Moratuwa and the country.
Tilak de Mel is a popular singer as well as highly sought after lyricist. He also has written theme songs for many electronic media in the country. “I received my primary and secondary education from Princes of Wales College, Moratuwa and even in my schooldays, I had shown special talents in singing and acting, Tilak recalls.
Tissa Gunawardena, a veteran drama director and producer, who is also a highly respected teacher at the college, for his two stage dramas called ‘Ran Talis’ and ‘Kekille’ offered him the opportunity to act. Inspired by these stage dramas, he paved the way for him to star in a high number of films as well.
“I acted in Titus Thotawatte’s Sinhasuna, L.M. Perera’s Hatarawate and Luvi Vandastratan’s Bidunu Hadawath, amongst others. Tilak said. He has been the permanent singer of the then famous band Humming Bird for years as well.
An active member of social services in Moratuwa, Tilak has already initiated a range of people oriented service campaigns in Moratuwa. The people of Moratuwa will never forget his service for the city and the country.





You can listen to Some of the Songs by Thilak De Mel

01. Avrudu Awilla

02. supiri ayya

03 mawage unusuma

04. Pun sanda paya moratuwa


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